August 2012
$1.5 Billion long-short equity signs on to MIK
A New York Based $1.5 Billion global long short equity fund has selected MIK’s Data Warehouse and Security Master to assist in its Portfolio Management and Alpha Reporting.
July 2012
Publically Traded Private Equity Firm selects MIK to implement its Security Master and Data Warehouse
June 2012
More Growth at MIK as Asian-focused Hedge Fund Uses MIK Products
New Hedge Fund launch spinning out of an existing multi-billion dollar Asian focused hedge fund selects MIK's Data Warehouse, Security Master and Treasury solutions.
May 2012
One of the world’s largest Fund of Funds is implementing the MIK Data Warehouse
And interfacing with Risk Metrics to support the firm's global risk and oversight reporting requirements
April 2012
A large New York based proprietary trading firm is implementing MIK solutions
A large New York based proprietary trading firm has engaged MIK to implement the MIK Data Warehouse interfacing with Risk Metrics to support the firm's global risk reporting requirements.
March 2012
A Multi-billion dollar hedge fund in San Francisco, CA has decided to implement MIK’s Data Warehouse, Security Master and Treasury tool
January 2012
MIK continues to grow as a multi-billion dollar hedge fund implements Data Warehouse and Security Master
MIK’s Data Warehouse and Security Master solutions have been selected by a multi-billion dollar, multi asset-class hedge fund in Los Angeles, CA for implementation to help with their fund analysis and EOD reporting
January 2012