December 2011
MIK Founder Fadi Kaddoura featured in Waters Technology article
November 2011
MIK featured in Opalesque article
Hedge funds increasingly utilize data warehousing at a higher level of thought
October 2011
A $3 Billion Global Hedge Fund Manager has decided to implement the MIK Data Warehouse
October 2011
TABB Forum publishes thought piece from MIK
Does Data Give Fund Managers Headaches Or Make Them Addicts?
October 2011
MIK featured in CITI Prime Survey
Managing Your Hedge Fund IT Spend to Achieve Differentiation
September 2011
MIK continues to grow as a $2B Long-Short Equity Manager signs on
A $2 Billion Long-Short Equity Manager has decided to implement the MIK Data Warehouse to support their portfolio and risk reporting.
September 2011
HFMWeek has nominated MIK as one of the top performing technology companies for hedge funds for 2011
MIK has been selected as a finalist in two categories: 'Best portfolio management software provider' and 'Best risk management and software supplier'.
August 2011
Large publicly traded hedge fund selects MIK to support their security master initiative
July 2011
MIK in the News
MIK Fund Solutions releases a comprehensive equity finance system via Wall Street & Technology - Hedge Fund managers gain a sophisticated view into all of their financing interactions with their execution brokers, thereby creating a powerful analytic tool for managers to monitor, measure, and evaluate financing activities.